More Civil Societies with Julie Macken: Addressing sexual violence

The Harvey Weinstein exposé uncovered Hollywood’s worst kept secret – and the fallout continues: more women – and men – are coming forward with their stories of abuse and harassment at the hands of powerful figures; the #metoo campaign has revealed the true extent of the problem; and stories of harassment have been revealed in the Australian media industry – starting with Don Burke – with promise of more to come. The most surprising part of it, however, is finding out how many people – especially in positions of power – knew about these allegations and yet did nothing at all.

This week, Julie Macken talks about tackling the issue. What can we do to help get rid of this problem affecting 1 in 5 Australian women?

“Well, first, I reckon we count ourselves into the conversation. This affects all of us, so all of us have to put our thinking caps on and try to figure out how to fix it. If we leave this to politicians, we will be in this situation in 10 years, 20 years and 30 years time.”

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