Three Weapons: Pepper Sprays, Boomerangs and Online Reviews

This morning, Te Rina Taite, Erin Rooney, Jess Klajman and Sean Morahan discussed students being pepper-sprayed for work experience, fashion house Chanel reducing the amount of plastic people can throw away and the meritorius and merciless aspects of online reviews.


How Real an Experience Should Work Experience Be?

Teenage students in the USA were pepper-sprayed as part of accumulating work experience for prospective law enforcement careers.

Viewer Warning: Screaming teenagers.


Changing the Chanel

If blackface is racist and culturally offensive/inappropriate then what do you call a French fashion house creating their ‘version’ of an indigenous Australian cultural icon?

This week Chanel was criticised and publicised for their ‘Chanel Boomerang’.  Will it come back – and bite them on the derrière?

More 2SER Coverage of this story


The Art and Science of Online Reviews

This week a UK restaurant got a bulk delivery of bad publicity when they threatened to sue a woman who left them an unfavourable review on TripAdvisor.

We reviewed online reviews.


The Vultures’ Nest is on 2SER 107.3 FM on Saturdays from 10.30 am.



Aldous Harding   Hunter


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