Dem Bones, How Bio-Printing is Rapidly Evolving

This time back in 2013, scientists in the United States had announced their ability to grow an artificial human ear in a lab from animal tissue. This development was said to help people who had deformed ears or had been in accidents and needed ear reconstruction. Since 2013, there have been many further changes in how we use science to support humans to ensure a sustained way of life. Scientists in Australia have already been involved in using 3D bioprinters to make replacement bones and organs. Even hospitals in the future will be able to scan patients and make replacement bones on the spot using these 3D bioprinters. So what does this mean for humanity? Have we crossed a line between creating life and over-preserving humanity or are we just looking after each other?

Professor Gordon Wallace from The University of Wollongong joined us earlier to unpack how the ear works and its implications.
