Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage

So, Imagine starting school and you’re already behind!
We are talking about young people growing up in poverty and the impact that their economic status has on their education. Did you know today in Australia, 1 in every 6 children and young people is growing up in disadvantage? Which results in them having an educational disadvantage. Educational disadvantage is having setbacks stemming from social or economic disadvantage that prevents students from making the most out of their school education.
Without extra help these children may never be able to break the cycle of disadvantage and create a better future for themselves.
Today we were joined by a young vocalist Yasmin Arkinstall who shared with us her experience of being supported by the Smith family, an education-oriented charity and the stigma of shame around asking for help.
Links if you are interested in sponsoring a child or donating – Sponsor Donate
Visit their website for help.