Brexit looms over the EU as treaty negotiations conclude

Brexit, otherwise known as a British exit of European Union membership, is one step closer to happening. But what does this mean for the United Kingdom and the EU?
Following years of pressure by Eurosceptic members of the Conservative Party, Prime Minister David Cameron has finally set a date Britain’s membership referendum of the European Union, the 23rd of June 2016. But the Eurosceptic revolt has already caused a “civil war” of sorts inside the Conservative Party with many questioning if the party can stay together after the referendum.
More pressingly, the referendum on Brexit will be on a “reformed” EU treaty as opposed to the existing arrangement. The new treaty was the result of months of negotiations between the EU and the UK concluding earlier this month. So what exactly is in this treaty and how will it drive both Britain and the rest of Europe going forward?
To help us make sense of all this, we were joined on the line this morning by Dr Ben Wellings, Deputy-director at Monash European and EU Centre in Monash University.
Producer: Vincent Su