EP 10 – Older Women & Self Image

This week on YMF we look at the self image of older women, specifically dissecting the changes they encounter from when they transition from middle age into their golden years. One nasty side affect of aging, is the unfortunates encounters with ageism, however this is not experienced equally amongst men & women. Ageism particularly impacts self-image, with many older women feeling invisible in society. Whilst men are allowed to become a ‘silver fox’ women are hit with negative stereotypes such as ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ in our youth obsessed society. Dr Carol Leferve came on the show to share her experience with ageism and self image:
“Young girls go through puberty, there’s the advent of the male gaze and that lasts for a very long time. It’s something that they learn have to learn to live with, it can be challenging, it can be affirming. But then when you hit this age around 50, where the gaze is withdrawn, it it’s it calls for some kind of personal reckoning”
The answer? Dr Carol Leferve believes more role models for older women and a change in perspective, using the words of American poet May Sarton “she said that we would perhaps only become old if we started always looking back rather than looking forward. And I think that’s really important”.
Check out our latest episode as we discuss Older Women and what we can be doing as feminists to reject their erasure With Dr Carol Leferve visiting research fellow at the University of Adelaide



‘Yours, Mine & Femme’ is a segment in which we put a spotlight on issues affecting women/feminine identifying persons of all ages, cultures, sexualities and abilities. To catch up on past YMF episodes or to make sure you don’t miss a story, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @YMF_2SER
