A Question of Balance :: 7:30pm 18th Jul 2017

A Question of Balance Tuesday 18 July 2017
Diving into Science Part 2: The early years 1950s and 1960s
Clarrie Lawler, past President of the Underwater Research Group of NSW (URG), looks back at the early days of the group which was begun in the early 1950s by Howard Couch, a keen sailor and first President. At that stage URG were making their own diving equipment since the only available were very expensive gear from the USA and Europe. They made their own respirator pieces so people could breathe from a tank of compressed air. By the early 1960s URG had the gear to dive further. Scuba is an excellent way to look at the world in the ocean as divers can slowly glide down to the sea bed and be surrounded by often unknown creatures. The URG were often guided by advice from Elizabeth Pope at the Australian Museum where she curated undersea animals. Clarrie and colleague URG diver, Walt Deas, published Beneath Australian Seas illustrated with Walt’s outstanding marine photography. Photography has now largely replaced taking samples of marine life. Clarrie has seen some incredible sights including an unusual Sea Urchin which was seemingly covered with white flowers. Elizabeth Pope identified it as a well disguised, deadly venomous species – fortunately also very rarely seen in the region.

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