Families in Gaza trapped in deepening humanitarian crisis

As the war between Israel and Hamas rages into its 13th day, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues in swift descent.
Since October 7, the death toll has sky rocked to thousands on both sides.
With a number of humanitarian corridors blocked, severe concern remains for welfare of civilians without food and supplies as the lives of many seriously ill and vulnerable patients hang in the balance.
ActionAid Executive Director Michelle Higelin, says currently “there are 50 000 pregnant women in Gaza now – with 10 percent due to give birth in the next month”. Actionaid has partners on the ground who have spoken with families in Southern Gaza forced to return home to Northern Gaza.
Actionaide have launched an appeal to support people in Gaza.
Image: Image: Wikimedia Commons: Palestinian News Information Agency Wafa in contract with APA images CC
Produced By: Emma Wotzke
Featured In Story: Michelle Higelin – Executive Director, ActionAid , and
First aired on The Wire, Thursday 19 October 2023