Historic Agreement for the High Seas

After more than a decade of negotiations, United Nations member countries have agreed to the first ever treaty to protect the world’s oceans that lie outside national boundaries. 

Environmental groups say the UN High Seas Treaty will help reverse biodiversity losses and ensure sustainable development, but caution there is still a long way to go before implementation.

The Treaty will reportedly see 30% of international waters become protected by 2030 by facilitating the establishment of marine protected areas in the High seas.Under the treaty, countries will need to assess the environmental impact that certain activities have on the environment including mining.

Image: Credit Jeremy Bishop | Pexels

Produced By: Chloe White

Featured In Story: Darren Kindleysides – CEO of the Australian Marine Conservation Society

First aired on The Wire, Monday 13 March 2023

Monday 13th of March, 2023

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