Interview With An Artist – Claudia Miranda

Each Thursday at 11:45am we profile an Australian artist – be they a painter, sculptor, drawer, weaver, someone working in the creative sphere.
Claudia Miranda took a chance. In 2018 she was a mum with a young baby and a steady job. But it wasn’t enough. There was a calling within her to create. So she took the leap and picked up a pen. Inspired by Picasso’s The Kiss, she drew her first piece. The Lovers. And it sold, quickly. So she drew another. And that sold. And before Claudia knew it, she had commissions out the door and brands knocking for collaborations. You see Claudia creates with heart and soul. And you can feel that when you look at her work or scroll through her instagram feed. Her comments are small pearls of wisdom, little dopamine hits for your heart.
Willy Russo sat down with Claudia, 1.5 ms apart, in her Sydney home, for this week’s Interview With An Artist. To hear the full interview, you can head to the Interview With An Artist podcast.