Jason Fong “I Will Rise”

Thursday the 15th of April, marks the 30th anniversary of the royal commission into indigenous deaths in custody, sparking many protests in response to the lack of progress that has been made since 1991. If you were around Town Hall on Saturday the 10th of April you would have seen the ‘Stop Black deaths in custody’ rally which hosted many amazing speakers including Poet Jason Fong, one of the founders of ‘Beyond the Bars Art’. Jason spoke to Drive Presenter Beth Tracey about his experience and how his passion for writing has helped him. Jason started the organisation Beyond the Bars Art in effort to provide indigenous men an outlet for their expression and creativity after exiting custody. He read his poem ‘I will rise’ in hopes to inspire other indigenous members of his community, that if he can rise, so shall they. If you would like to hear more about Jason’s work or ‘Beyond the Bars Art’ check out their Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/Beyond-the-bars-105186815003995/