More Australians looked more support for mental health in 2020

The latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows more Australians are more open to look for support for their mental health.

The data also shows there was a decrease of 5.9 per cent in suicide deaths in 2020, but also more Australians rely on services such as Lifeline to look after their mental health, with more than 3300 calls a day.

Australians are slowly asking more for help to cope with their mental health, and the Federal and State governments are fully supporting mental health support services.

If you or someone you know need to speak about issues of mental health, help is always available. Call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Produced By: Eduardo Jordan

Featured In Story: John Brogden – Chair of Lifeline

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 30 September 2021

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