New Music

This week we’re going retro, with three reissued works from music director Andrew Khedoori.

Our first one is a new record from Lee “Scratch” Perry, the legendary Jamaican music producer who interestingly, used to bury his mixtapes in the dirt and blow jazz cigarettes over it as one of his production techniques. He is a true legend of the form and we have a reissue of his famous record Super Ape. The Subatomic Sound System from Brookland decided to contact him about a collab, so they recreated Super Ape Returns to Conquer and it’s one for the year of digital music with a super throbbing base streak all the way through. You get a sneak peak of his rework of Chase the Devil from the 1974 album.

Next up, is Andy Ranson who was in the duo Itchy and Scratchy. He’s created an ep called 1 over 66, which is a nice breezy, sweet electronic sound. This is a set of digital dubs Andy Ranson made, which is quite contemporary and has the line between being bottom heavy and having a really exquisite light touch. We play some of his record Green River.

The final record for the day is a fantastic, strong willed release which suits the contemporary world perfectly, especially with the gay rights movement. Jackie Shane lives in Nashville and was gay and black. She had mixed LGBT experiences and this prompted her reworks. The Numero Group discovered her sound and sanctioned her new ep Stand Up Strong. We give you a listen to one of her tracks, Tall.

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