No requiem for Lady Lazarus as they drop another bangin track | Delirium

This week on The Band Mon Next Door, I was joined by Lady Lazarus in the Ultimo studio to chat about their red hot track Delirium!

Lady Lazarus have been pumping out songs this year since their debut single late last year and each is as crazy good as the next. With Cuckhold being slipped in there between EP launch of Blondes and latest tune Delirium, I’m starting to wonder if the delirium is taking hold on me too :’) Their need for the best pub feed has had them explode all over the Sydney nae Aussie punk scene. Blending heavy riffs and pounding rhythms with hauntingly fierce lyrics, LL bring an intoxicating  presence to all their live shows…

…speaking ooof 26th of October at Marrickville Bowlo…be there or be a square xx

Thanks to Cam Menegoni for creating TBND! Happy vay cay <3

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