Science Spotlight: Bugs ‘n’ Drugs

It’s time for Science Spotlight. Each week we talk about the fun facts and big breakthroughs made in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.
There are many ways to catch a killer, one of them is with maggots. For centuries humans have been using flies and bugs to assist in crime scene investigations, from finding culprits to determining time of death. However, there is another way that they can be used in uncovering the truth behind a crime; and that is the detection of drugs and other toxins. How do they do it? Well, Cameron spoke to forensic scientist and senior lecturer at Murdoch University all the way in Perth, Dr. Paola Magni about all things bugs and drugs.
Stay turned next week as Dr. Magni returns for more forensic fun facts.
To hear more from Cameron check out his podcast Stardust MQ.
Trigger warnings for the following story.