Spooks and Economists: Australia’s Relationship with China

Evergrande is the name on everybody’s lips. China’s second largest property developer is struggling to service debts of up to US$300 billion. With Evergrande in a trading halt and on the verge of collapse, there’s a broader question to ask about what this means for Australia. Australian iron ore has helped build the Chinese property market which has been the engine of their economic growth. If the Chinese economy suffers a slowdown, will this impact Australian exports? What should the trading relationship between these two countries look like?
This episode, Toby Hemmings spoke to:
- James Laurenceson, Director of the Australia-China Relations Institute at UTS
- Tim Harcourt, Industry Professor and Chief Economist at Institute for Public Policy and Governance at UTS
- Bob Gregory, Professor Emeritus at the Research School of Economics at ANU and former member of the Reserve Bank of Australia Board