Sydney Film Festival: Interview with Strong Female Lead director Tosca Looby

Sydney Film Festival draws to a close this weekend and 2Ser Breakfast Host Jarred Cross is joined by Tosca Looby. Looby is the director of one of this year’s films “Strong Female Lead”.

“Strong Female Lead” explores Julia Gillard’s time as Prime Minister, 10 years on. The film explores gender politics and the media “witch hunt” that in retrospect, dominated Gillard’s time in office.

Listen to the interview here as Looby discusses to exclusive use of archival footage to detach from the benefit of hindsight. How has discourse around gender politics has evolved since the Gillard government? How come many of those who were there in the thick of it were unable to call out what was then accepted as norm?

Strong Female Lead is screening at the Randwick Ritz at 2:15pm on Saturday 13th November. Coming soon to SBS On Demand.

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