Trump Wins

Strong promises and a struggling and patchy economy played well for Donald Trump in the 2024 Elections. The traditional checks and balances of the American political system seem to have fallen away with Trump secure with projected majorities in the House, the Senate and of course the majority on the Supreme Court.
All of the legal challenges will now fade away and an emboldened President will be rushing to move on the public service and any other government authority that is in his way.
Image: Image: US Presidential Election Team 2 SER – Courtesy R. Chambers
Produced By: Roderick Chambers
Featured In Story: Professor Ed Blakely – former White House staffer, USYD and Berkeley Professor in Urban Planning, and co-creater of the podcast US of Ed, Sean Britton – Broadcaster and co-creator of the US of Ed podcast, Tina Quinn – Broadcaster and Journalist, and Stephen Hill – Broadcaster and Journalist
First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 6 November 2024