Tuesday Book Club with Andrew Pople: The Tournament by John Clarke, Fishing in the Styx by Ruth Park.

Why does Andrew Pople love Australian novels? Because they hold a mirror up to who we are. And on Pople’s segment on the 2Ser show Final Draft, the “Australian Classics Book Club”, he covers all great works of Australian writing.
In John Clarke’s “The Tournament”, the greatest minds of the 20th century have all descended on Paris for a grand-slam tennis tournament. Have you wanted to see Van Gough against Hemmingway? Now you can – and you can learn what it says about Australia.
“Fishing in the Styx” by Ruth Park is a recount of her life as a writer in Sydney in the middle of the 20th century and her life with husband, D’Arcy Niland. Park and Niland are well known for their novels nowadays, but what the book reveals is the depth of the work they had to undertake outside of fiction writing to make a living.
Check out the “Australian Classics Book Club” here: https://2ser.com/tag/australian-classics-book-club/