Ultimate Depth – a new exhibition at the Australian National Maritime Museum

Have you ever wanted to see what’s down there?
When I mean down there, I mean down there in the depths of the ocean.
Well, now you can, at the Australian National Maritime Museum, in a new exhibition called Ultimate depth: a journey to the bottom of the sea!
We’ll be speaking with Emily Jateff, senior curator at the Australian National Maritime Museum who will tell us about her exciting exhibition now available at the museum.
Featuring many submersibles and gizmos used to collect data and observe the seas at the five levels of the ocean as well as organisms discovered along the way, this exhibition is on display until the end of 2025 at the Australian National Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour.
Catch it while its still here and experience the mysteries of the deep sea.
Listen now to learn more!
Image courtesy of: https://www.sea.museum/en/whats-on/exhibitions/ultimate-depth