Weekend Warrior with Anthony Dockrill

Anthony Dockrill is back this week to fill us in on what happened this weekend.
Eurovision is over and Israel has emerged the victor. Netta Barzilai took the crown with her song ‘Toy’. Australia came in 20th among the 26 finalists, but given our competitive nature no doubt we’ll be fighting for a higher spot next year.
Despite the budget, there is no real joy for the government in polls. Australians seem to think it is too good to be true and are aware that the tax cuts aren’t going to be meaningful for everyday life.
A Chicago art installation was unveiled over the weekend, playing on idea of bike sharing, but with semi-automatic weapons. This installation is aiming to raise awareness about how easy guns are to access.
Former Australian Test Captain, Bill Lawry has announced his retirement from commentating the cricket at the age of 81.
Finally, the Swans have defeated Hawthorn in a tight match, largely in thanks to star-in-the-making Ben Ronke who bagged 7 goals in his third game.