What the HECS?

In a recent initiative by the federal government, Australian students will see over $3 billion dollars taken off their HECS Debt in an effort to ease the pressure of the rising cost of living. Changes to the way in which indexation is calculated on fees are responsible for the refunds being afforded to millions of students across the country.
The National Union of Students is a representative body for tertiary education students all across Australia that advocates for the interests of students concerning factors such as access to education, welfare and academic freedom.
Maeve Groom spoke to the National Union of Students education officer Lucy Fawcett on how the reduction of HECS fees will impact students of arts and humanities in particular.
Produced By: Maeve Groom
Featured In Story: Lucy Fawcett – Education Officer National Union of Students
First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 27 November 2024