Artificial Intelligence Chat-bots Might Be Self-Aware: Is Dystopia that far away?

Putting the Deus back in Ex Machina.

The ethics of advancement in AI programming has been highlighted over the past week, as whistle blower and ex-Google researcher, Blake Lemoine, expressed his concern for the company’s LaMDA chat-bot’s ‘sentience’.

With popular plot devices in Science Fiction movies seeming to become reality, how long is it until these are no longer just programmed robots but living, conscious beings?

Bond University Lecturer in Philosophy and History, Oscar Davis, highlighted in his article for the Conversation of the need for discussion regarding how and when do we know if a machine is sentient.

We spoke with Davis about the ethical implications if and when an AI system to truly become conscious.

Image: Image: Shutterstock:

Produced By: Kate Saap

Featured In Story: Oscar Davis, Bond University Lecturer

First aired on The Wire, Monday 20 June 2022

Monday 20th of June, 2022

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