Razors Edge :: 7:00pm 18th Aug 2022

On tonight’s show:

National Centre of Indigenous Excellence – The Fire Keeps Burning – a News wrap.

The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence has been a significant part of the Redfern landscape since its opening in 2006, providing social, health and fitness services to the local community – indigenous and non-indigenous.

However on the 2nd of August 2022, an announcement from its two owners, the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation, and the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, reported that the NCIE would close in a week, shocking many in the community, including its employees and tenants. Despite this, the community has rallied around the NCIE, protesting its closure and trying to keep it open.  Contributing Reporter: Matthew Van Wyk

Shared Accommodation –  Law Changes for Boarders

Razor’s Edge has been providing  important news and information surrounding boarding houses and residents’ issues;  and changes to the law.  It’s been well recognised that Boarding house rental accommodation has mostly been insecure for tenants and sometimes even unsafe. But it has continued to play an important role in keeping the most vulnerable in our society sheltered;  away from the vagaries of homelessness.  It is hoped that the proposed changes to the NSW Boarding Houses Act may now improve this situation.   Reporter/Producer: Wendy Frew

Freeing Us From Our Own Minds – Artificial Intelligence

As a news journalist can you imagine yourself sitting in front of your device or computer with another entity churning out for you (yes, not a human like you) ;  the repetitive tasks of writing news bulletins to be entered into a digitalised system; while you continue to focus on the more cognitive task of ‘smelling for news’ so to speak.    The increasing presence of artificial intelligence has crept into our creative lives.   According to a team of researchers, academics, tech nerds and engineers, AI can now even do cognitive or ‘thinking’   types of tasks.  And what could that mean for us humans?

Oliver Bown is Associate Professor in Art & Design at the University of NSW.   He is chairing a 2-day symposium bringing  technologists, artists, arts organisations, researchers and business;  to go deeper into the applications of AI in the creative industries.

Reporter/Producer: Annamarie Reyes
