Covid exposes flaws in Australia supply chain

This is the first year that Australia has not been under lockdown, although in terms of mortality projection data, the coronavirus is not going to be as bad as what has happened before. But covid has severely exposed the flaws in Australia’s current health system, even worse than it was before the pandemic virus.
John Blackburn thinks the government is strategically foolish in how it failed to prioritise vaccines along with other health services and why it relies on supply changes to keep health services running.
Australia has a supply chain that needs to be trustworthy for the health system and needs to be supported by government intervention. We need to understand the real risks we face.

Image: Image: Shutterstock- Immersion Imagery

Produced By: Andrew Herlinger

Featured In Story: John Blackburn- Chair of the Institute for Integrated Economic Research-Australia

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 20 December 2022

Tuesday 20th of December, 2022

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