pregnancy and parental leave: targets for workplace discrimination

Pregnant women and new parents still remain a target of workplace discrimination despite decades-old legislation making it unlawful.

Researchers are calling for major change as a new study from University of South Australia reveals 60 percent of new mothers returning to work say their “opinions are often ignored,” and they “feel excluded”.

This follows  2014’s “Supporting Working Parents: Pregnancy and Return to Work National Review,” with current findings demonstrating little to no shift in the situation.

In an age of progression – what is still happening in our workplaces? And where do changes need to happen?

Image: Image courtesy of Pexels: Matilda Wormwood

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Dr Rachael Potter – Research Fellow from Centre for Workplace Excellence, University of South Australia , and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 3 August 2023

Thursday 3rd of August, 2023
