The Amazing Adventures of Asha Puthli

Asha Puthli is many things – a world citizen, iconoclast, daring experimentalist, a self-identified space cadet and style personified.‍

‍Asha has made an undeniable imprint on popular culture. Her cinematic story is an awe-inspiring journey across continents and musical genres. She has released 10 brilliant albums, danced at Martha Graham’s school, modelled at Studio 54, appeared semi-nude in a Merchant-Ivory film, been dressed by top designers such as Manolo Blahnik, and photographed by pop-art luminary Andy Warhol.

2SER Breakfast was honoured to be granted an audience with Asha, to ask a few true or false questions about her amazing life on the eve of her debut tour of Australia.

Embarking on her first world tour in four decades, don’t miss your chance to see Asha Puthli in Sydney on Sunday 9th June at The Factory Theatre, presented by Astral People, a once-in-a lifetime opportunity.

This interview is an extended version of the original interview broadcast, and includes tales of Asha’s involvement with Ornette Coleman on the groundbreaking Science Fiction album.

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