The Sport The Olympics Forgot (Featuring Don Davies)

The Olympics are a wonderful time. A time of celebration, a time of competition, and a time where we watch sports that we otherwise have no interest in with the intensity of a lifelong fan. Diving. Hurdles. European Handball. These sports are held up as the pinnacle of human athletic achievement. But what about the sports that are not included in The Olympics? Why should they be left uncelebrated and unattempted by laymen? Especially when in some cases, they can be far more accessible and far more fun. This is at least the truth for lawn bowls. And a reason why Lawn Bowls Australia are campaigning to have their sport included in the 2032 Olympic Games.


Lachlan A’Court, from the Tuesday Daily, visited the Penrith Bowls Club where he spoke with Don Davies to learn more about this sport that is rapidly changing its image. Where bowls was once seen as an old persons sport, it is now dominated by bowlers in their 20’s and 30’s. And with social bowls becoming an increasingly popular way for friends to spend their afternoons, it’s not hard to see why!


“Dizzy” Don Davies explained the basic rules of bowls as well as why he thinks it deserves it’s spot on the Olympic stage, before taking Lachlan out on the green to have a small bowling competition.

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