Telling Stories Australians Need to Hear – ‘Warra Warra Wai’

Along the East Coast of Australia, numerous places bear the names bestowed by Captain Cook in the late 1700s. Now, 250 years later, traveling duo Darren Rix and Dr. Craig Cormick revisit 19 of these significant sites to illuminate the stories of those displaced by colonisation.

In “Warra Warra Wai,” Rix and Cormick embark on a powerful journey toward healing, uncovering eye-opening truths about one of Australia’s pivotal historical events. Their exploration not only highlights the impact of settlement but also pays tribute to the resilience of Indigenous communities.

Join Producer Nate as he engages with Rix and Cormick to delve deeper into their experiences and insights from this remarkable journey.

Special thanks to Simon & Schuster  for supporting this vital conversation.

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