A Toolbox for Heat-Resistant Housing in Sydney

Housing development is picking up across Sydney at a time when we are starting to notice the impact of climate change and its increasing heat waves. That, paired with the ‘urban heat island effect’, was encouragement enough for the University of Western Sydney’s Prof. Sebastian Pfautsch et al. to strike while the iron is hot and publish their recommendations for how to build in a more heat-conscious way. In this interview, Lachlan Ford talks with Prof. Pfautsch through the impact of heat on communities in Western Sydney and how politicians, developers and homeowners can help shape their suburbs into cooler places with simple changes.

After the interview was over, Prof. Pfautsch stressed the effort he and his team put into making their research accessible for everyone. Please enjoy their August 2024 publication linked here: Suburban Microclimate and How to Improve It. It contains thorough analysis and their list of practical recommendations.
