Air Quality on the Decline

It does not take a genius to realise that the air quality in Sydney is bad. NSW’s air quality remains dangerous and is even a whopping 3 times higher than ‘hazardous’ in Sydney’s west. To provide you some numbers, last week, the PM2.5 level – which is a particle too small to see but very dangerous for our health – was at 510 in Macquarie Park and 295 in the CBD. Anything over 200 is considered hazardous. These levels are even worse in the state’s central west, with Orange recording a PM2.5 level of 1011. But the questions on all our minds is; how is this impacting our health and lungs? How can we prevent any side effects? And, how can we continue living our day-to-day lives without worrying about inhaling these toxins? To shed light on these questions and more we had Professor Gregory King from University of Sydney’s School of Medicine and specialist from the Department of Respiratory Medicine at the Royal North Shore Hospital.