And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie Part One

We discuss chapters 1-6 of Agatha Christie’s iconic ‘And Then There Were None’. Ten people arrive on Soldier Island, invited at the behest of one U.N. Owen, only to find no host, no answers and only almost perfect strangers to keep them company. A record player recounts their sins, and then the death of Anthony Marston begins the recitation of a poem fixed to the walls, threatening that none shall be left alive. With Flex and Herds both familiar with this tale, it’s our arch-nemesis Sean Britten, author of ‘Kill Switch’, in the hotseat. We also chat with Martin Edwards, current chair of The Detection Club. From ‘Howdunit’, the club’s 90th anniversary book on all the secrets behind mystery fiction, to Christie’s mastery of human nature, and his own latest mystery ‘Mortmain Hall’, Martin’s mystery expertise has held us steady since the show began.
Check out Part Two and Part Three here!