BATTS on Staying Afloat in Isolation

You may have noticed that there’s nothing on. Pretty much every event, gig, festival or gathering has been cancelled and whilst this may effect your social life, it effects the people on the stage or organiser of the event a lot more. The livelihood of many people is at stake and it’s meant that methods of supporting your favourite artists have changed. 

One artist, BATTS from Melbourne, was supposed to be in Austin Texas right now at SXSW, but of course that was one of the first events cancelled. She is instead at home and instead of just playing PS4, she’s come up with an ingenious way to help pay the rent. She is making cover songs, of your choice, for a fee!

If you’d like to ask BATTS for a cover of your favourite track, email There is $20 minimum, but more is recommended!

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