Being an ‘Artivist’ with Ana Maria Parada

In this day and age of fast fashion, a lot of us are unaware of or don’t consider the ethical impact of the cute new pair of tribal print shorts we just got from an outlet store really is. Not only for the environment but for the cultures and people from which those prints and ideas have been taken and profited off of.
Drive host Sidd Sharma was joined by ‘artivist’, Ana Maria Parada, who has built a social enterprise that aims to combat this issue with her ethical jewellery brand Mami Watta Collections; working with indigenous artisans of Colombia in creating jewellery designs that highlight indigenous ancestral craftsmanship.
She also chatted about her upcoming showcase ‘Connecting Cultures’ a collaborative project with fellow ‘artivist’ Krystal Hurst of Gillawarra Arts on the 17th of October. Tickets are available on eventbrite.