The benefits of playgroup for… adults

It’s well known that playgroup benefits children, but what about the parents that tag along?

Playgroup is a regular meeting of parents and children, usually in a local community centre, that gives kids a chance to play in a supervised space. It’s different from daycare or preschool, where parents leave their kids for the day, and mother or father groups, which are designed for babies.

Children benefit from exploring new environments with new toys, interacting with children of all ages and developing social skills. But it’s also a chance for parents to develop their social skills, and maintain their workforce skills.

Jacqui Browne- Co-ordinator, Annandale Playgroup
Ian McShane- Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Urban Research at RMIT University in Melbourne

Producer: Ellen Leabeater

Image: joeshlabotnik on Flickr.

