Bunnings accused of unfair supplier treatment in Parliamentary Inquiry

Just after Bunnings was elevated to Most Trusted Brand ahead of Woolworths by the Roy Morgan risk monitor, the Senate inquiry into grocery pricing has heard that the hardware giant dictates terms and conditions to its suppliers just as the major supermarkets do.
Greenlife Industry Australia – the national body which represents commercial growers of nursery products – has told the inquiry its members have suffered unfair treatment at the hands of Bunnings.
Greenlife told the hearings in Orange that Bunnings dictates terms of trade, sets prices and controls supplies.
Bunnings Managing Director Mike Schneider said in a statement that they ‘respected the role that Greenlife plays in the industry, but they disagree with a number of the claims made and that they have reached out to them to discuss the matters further’
Image: Image: Shutterstock – doublelee
Produced By: Frank Bonaccorso
Featured In Story: Joanna Cave, CEO Greenlife Industry Australia
First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 13 March 2024