For general information, over the phone donations, bequest guides, over the phone merchandise purchases and more, please contact our front desk on the below.

ph: 02 9514 9514
fax: 02 9514 9599

PO BOX 123, Broadway NSW 2007

9-11 Broadway, Ultimo


–Text the 2SER SMS line: 0468 44 1073—


Submit your music for airplay consideration digitally to our Music Director at

Please do not send physical copies unless requested.


Please submit your podcast pitch using this form.

Podcasting at 2SER FAQs.

Other contacts:

For other contacts, please head to our Team page.

2SER has two studio locations in Sydney.


2SER Broadway is located in Building 18 “The Terraces” on the UTS Campus at 9-11 Broadway Ultimo. There are four radio studios and a digital training lab at 2SER Broadway. 2SER broadcasts 24-hours a day to the wider metropolitan Sydney area.

If you would like to get involved, contact volunteer(at) for more information

Ph: 02 9514 9514

Macquarie University

2SER Macquarie is located in the Y3A Building, (formerly the Australian Film and Television School) on the western side of the Macquarie University campus. The premises feature a state of the art recording and broadcasting studio.

If you’re interested in getting involved at 2SER Macquarie, feel free to contact 2SER reception

Ph: 02 9514 9514

Email: info(at)