Dads get the baby blues too

Last week on the program, we discussed how new mums are affected by post natal depression. Well this week we are looking at the other half of the parent team: new dads.

1 in 20 new dads are diagnosed with PND, but many will not seek help for a variety of reasons.

New dads often feel guilty about being sad, and may face increased financial pressure being the sole breadwinner.

New mums, routinely see midwives, doctors and child and family health nurses trained to ask if they are coping. But dads don’t interact with health services as frequently, and as a result their depression may not get picked up.

Josh Nicholas reports.


-Israel Smith: PND suvivor
-Cathrine Fowler: Professor in Child and Family Health Nursing, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney
-Terri Smith: CEO Post and Anti Natal Depression Association

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Image: Eden, Janine and Jim on Flickr.
