Diesel cars & trucks responsible for half of all air-pollution – OECD

We hosted the 16th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation – or G-CET – in the University of Technology Sydney recently. This is a research based, interdisciplinary, global green economics forum held once per year in a different country each year.
It is the world’s leading group driving research, market mechanisms and new concepts to deal with a rapidly warming planet.
With VW in the spotlight for faking diesel pollution readings in tests, the OECD has found that particates and other diesel pollutants are the cause of half the air pollution in OECD countries. This kills thousands of people each year.
Roderick Chambers caught up with G-CET keynote speakers Nils-Axel Braathen, Principal Administrator – Environment Directorate, OECD, Paris & Chas Roy-Chowdhury, Head of Taxation, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants