Eco man! What is business’ role in sustainability?

Did you know that, at latest count, there are more than 84,000 chemicals in existence for commercial use, with 1000 new ones being developed every year. Everyday, we use these products on our skin and around our homes yet many of these have not been tested for their long term safety effects.

As well as this, we all know that climate change is real and a looming economic threat. Climate change unchecked could cost the world 20 per cent of global GDP each year by 2050.

Cue the drive for eco-friendly business and a new standard for healthier living. Mitch speaks to Malcolm Rands, New Zealand businessman and recipient of the New Zealand Order of Merit. He is co-founder of Eco store, a successful line of plant based cleaning products. He believes at the end of the day only sustainable business will be left standing.
