11:00am 6th Nov 2016 :: Think: Sustainability

Located in Wiradjuri country, Murrin Bridge started as a ‘mission’. It was a place the government of the time set up to accomodate Aboriginal Australians driven out of their lands. Murrin Bridge is no longer a mission today, but with a population of just over 1400 and a 13km walk separating the community from the main town, facilities and services have become run down and displaced. A brief from the Prime Ministers Cabinet has issued a ‘revitalisation project’ for Murrin Bridge with specific outlines to develop a community centre, the refurbishment of other local buildings and programs for the community. Allan Teale and Campbell Drake are part of a design team working on the revitalisation of Murrin Bridge. And as a surprise to Allan, a recent revisiting down his family tree linked his ancestors to Wiradjuri country in which Murrin Bridge resides.


Hosted by Jake Morcom and Ellen Leabeater.
