#21 Men Going on Twitter (with Callum Jones)

The manosphere is the umbrella term for the enormous, fractured and often bewildering evolution of the men’s liberation movement online. This week we put one slice of this movement – MGTOW – under the microscope with Monash University PhD candidate Callum Jones who studies ideological extremism online.

Also we watched Netflix’s The Social Dilemma. We have some questions.

For more of Callum’s research, search for:

“Sluts and soyboys: MGTOW and the production of misogynistic online harassment” by Callum Jones, Verity Trott and Scott Wright in New Media & Society (2019)

“The pussy ain’t worth it bro: assessing the discourse and structure of MGTOW” by Scott Wright, Verity Trott, and Callum Jones in Information, Communication & Society (2020).


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