Material culture and museology

Matthew Connell‘s early interests in science and culture led to a 30+ year career as a museum curator specialising in computing and mathematics. We hear about Matthew’s early influences, his thoughts on the relevance of museums and material culture, and his concerns about the trappings of technology.

In 1991 Matthew joined the Powerhouse Museum as a Curator of Computing and Mathematics. Now Matthew is Director of Curatorial, Collections and Programs for the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences and Principal Curator for the Powerhouse Museum. He’s also an Adjunct Professor at UNSW’s iCinema Research Centre.

An extended version of this conversation is available via the Wide Open Air Exchange podcast page.

Photo credit:  The above photo of Matthew is by Ryan Hernandez and is from the 2018 launch of the book, Time and Memory.

Below is a picture of Matthew from when he had first arrived at the Powerhouse Museum, photographed with the computer collection (photographer unknown).  


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