Federal Court arrives on-country for climate change fight in the Torres Strait

Two Torres Strait Islanders are in the midst of a landmark legal case against the Commonwealth in an attempt to ensure the survival of their homelands. They argue the government has a legal obligation to prevent the loss of their communities to climate change, and they are seeking orders for the cutting of greenhouse gas emissions, among other measures.
Never before has the whole Government been sued for damages regarding climate change, and this landmark case has been likened to the Mabo High Court decision.
Charles Sturt University’s Frank Bonaccorso interviewed Isabelle Reinecke, Executive Director and Founder of Grata Fund. She claims the Federal Government has an inherent duty to keep all Australians safe from climate harm. The elders claim they are in danger of becoming Australia’s first climate refugees.
Produced By: Frank Bonaccorso
Featured In Story: Isabelle Reinecke, Executive Director and Founder of Grata Fund
First aired on The Wire, Friday 9 June 2023