Booking app’s user data abuse, immoral but not illegal

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has ordered an urgent review of appointment booking service HealthEngine, after secret documents obtained by the ABC revealed that they were
passing on lists of potential clients to law firm Slater & Gordon as part of a “referral partnership pilot”. If you’re unfamiliar with HealthEngine, the service requests users to provide personal details for their appointment such as symptoms and if the they’ve suffered a workplace injury or have been involved in a traffic accident. According to these secret documents, HealthEngine shared details of an average of 200 clients a month to Slater and Gordon between March and August in 2017. As a result, the law firm obtaining 40 new clients, yielding a projected $500,000 worth of legal fees. Here to guide us through this slippery slope of potentially dodgy dealings was Dr Bruce Baer Arnold, Assistant Professor of law at the University of Canberra.