Heatwaves and the Indigenous community

Image:Image: Shutterstock – Simon Annable

An increase in frequency of heatwaves and extreme weather caused by climate change in Northern and Central Australia is expected to significantly impact the health of Indigenous Australians living there.

Communities in the North of Australia experience heat associated mortality at a much higher rate than in Southern parts of the country. The life expectancy for remote-living Indigenous children is 14.3 years below the national average.

Poor quality housing and energy insecurity further contribute to the health inequity gap these remote communities face which is predicted to widen as the effects of climate change are felt.


Produced By: Tahlia Kraefft

Featured In Story: Dr Simon Quilty – Specialist physician at Alice Springs Hospital , author of Climate Change: A Wumpurrarni-kari and Papulanyi-kari shared problem.

First aired on The Wire, Monday 22 November 2021

Monday 22nd of November, 2021

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