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2SER (Sydney Educational Radio) had its origins in the burgeoning community broadcasting movement of the early 1970’s when it was proposed that an educational radio station be established based on a consortium of Sydney universities. 2SER made its broadcasting debut on October 1, 1979, with the support of many hundreds of groups and individuals.

Today, 2SER operates as a company limited by guarantee and is jointly owned by Macquarie University and the University of Technology, Sydney. Both institutions contribute an annual grant to 2SER, however the station is largely self-supporting, relying upon revenue raised through programming, sponsorship, fund-raising events and listener subscriptions.

2SER holds a community broadcasting license with a special interest defined as educational broadcasting. Through its programs, and the making of programs, 2SER aims to stimulate learning and educate its listeners and is committed to social change, access and diversity.


Sydney radio broadcasting was about to experience a major growth in the industry.

A number of experimental licenses were issued throughout Australia.


Announcement that Sydney would have three public FM stations.



UTS (then NSW Institute of Technology), Sydney University and Macquarie University jointly appear before the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (under Chairman Bruce Gyngell) and succeed in obtaining the offer of a Category “E” (for education) license.


5th March

Sydney Educational Broadcasting Ltd was incorporated. The Dept of Post & Telecommunications advised the station’s call sign would be 2SER-FM (the first choice had been 2SEB-FM).

1 October

2SER-FM transmissions commenced. The station was opened by the Federal Minister for Education, Senator John Carrick.


5th June

2SER was relicensed to broadcast with a power of 1.5KW.

28th July

2SER’s aerial power was increased to 4KW, awaiting a further increase to 7.5KW.

17th October

Macquarie North Ryde studio was opened by the State Minister for Education, Mr Paul Landa


2SER’s license renewed.


2SER’s license renewed.


Zootime compilation of Sydney bands and musicians released.

16th December

2SER-FM Station Charter determined.


Quadphobia, a quadrophonic simulcast between 2SER & 2MBS. Livewire weekend broadcast of live music and spoken word, celebrating 9 years at the forefront of independent radio.


New program format launched, and with it public radio’s first satellite delivered national daily news and current affairs program Undercurrents.

Gaywaves simulcast with Brisbane’s 4ZZZ for Stonewall Day in June.

Building Bridges – 2SER joined with other stations on a weekend in September to provide a national broadcasting forum for the National Coalition of Aboriginal Organisations.

All That Flows – live broadcast from the Performance Space, wins PBAA/BASF Award For Excellence In Feature Programming.

New program format launched, and with it public radio’s first satellite delivered national daily news and current affairs program Undercurrents.

Gaywaves simulcast with Brisbane’s 4ZZZ for Stonewall Day in June.

Building Bridges – 2SER joined with other stations on a weekend in September to provide a national broadcasting forum for the National Coalition of Aboriginal Organisations.

All That Flows – live broadcast from the Performance Space, wins PBAA/BASF Award For Excellence In Feature Programming.


2SER wins several awards including a Silver Medal from the New York International Radio Festival, a Certificate of Commendation from the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Media Awards and three Awards for Excellence in Programming for the Public Broadcasting Association of Australia.


Introduction of a satellite distribution system for community radio, ComRadSat.

As part of International Year of the Indigenous Person, 2SER put indigenous issues firmly on the agenda and had several significant showcases including Pillars Of Society – Education and Employment, several documentaries, specials on Open Mind and Tiddas Talk.


Outside broadcast from the Big Day Out, the first Mosaic Mix broadcast (24 hours of music presented by 24 DJs over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend).


Awarded CBAA Best Broadcast Spoken Word Program for Open Mind.

Media Magazine Highly Commended in the same category.

Panacea receives MBF Media Award for the Best Metropolitan Report.

Collaboration between the Sydney Morning Herald’s Metro and 2SER to present monthly live broadcasts called Sydney Sounds Like…

Music feature Neckathon, 5 hour The Necks special.

The first Freaky Loops party, experimental film and music night.


2SER participated in trials of Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) technology.

Undercurrents wins CBAA award for Best News Story of the Year (for ‘Wik Millionaires’).

Longstanding 2SER country music broadcaster Barbara Morison was inducted into the Country Music Broadcasters Hall Of Fame.

Freaky Loops II and III were staged over 3 floors of Manning Building.

Outside broadcasts from Mardi Gras parade and the Sydney Film Festival.


A successful fourth Freaky Loops fundraiser event, with 4000 people crammed into the Wentworth Building while another 2000 were turned away.

A double Freaky Loops CD was produced featuring local electronic acts.


2SER is awarded 3 CBAA Awards for Excellence in Community Broadcasting: Best News Story (Undercurrents), Best Special Spoken Word program (This Old Thing); Best Marketing or Promotional Achievement (Underground Radio – Anatomy of an Image Change).

Gaywaves program celebrates 20 years of broadcasting.

Release of second Freaky Loops CD in conjunction with Creative Vibes.

Another Freaky Loops event on 30th October sells out. The ABA allocates 2SER a power increase of 50kw.


Launch of 2SER’s first website.

Freaky Loops wins Best Compilation award at the Australian Dance Music Awards.

2SER provided support for fledgling broadcasters in East Timor with donations of equipment and logistical support.


2SER joins forces with the Newtown Festival to stage the Microgallery Award for Sydney artists.

2SER-FM is awarded for its contribution to the development of Australian Music at the CBAA Awards in Tasmania.


2SER’s new program grid is launched and the Sydney Morning Herald declares, “there is an alternative to Triple J”.

Successful Turnover and Audiomatic fundraisers held.

Big Day Out and Mosaic Mix broadcasts.


Pluratones fundraiser held at Metro featuring The Bird, The Herd, Biftek and more.


Kate Hairsine is the fourth 2SER volunteer to be awarded a prestigious internship with the German National Broadcaster, Deutsche Welle.


2SER celebrates their 30th Anniversary by hosting a number of live shows and events through Sydney during October.

2SER holds first International Vinyl Day where the majority of its presenters play vinyl only recordings to honour and preserve the medium that brought music en masse to the world.


2SER launches on the digital radio network in Sydney.


The Wire, a national current affairs co-production between 2SER, Radio Adelaide and 4EB, wins the CBAA’s Tony Staley Award for Excellence in Community Broadcasting.

2SER wins Best Digital Media Initiative at the CBAA Awards, for Star Observer Digital, a pop-up station on the digital radio platform.


2SER launches a local newsroom, facilitating daily news bulletin production and presentation.


At the New York Festivals International Radio Program Awards 2SER is awarded a gold medal in the Health/Medical category for Think: Health, silver for Think: Digital Futures in Science and Technology, while Think: Sustainability received a finalist certificate in Environment and Ecology.

The podcast Just Words wins the CBAA’s Excellence in Digital Media award.


Amongst seven nominations, 2SER is awarded Silver Radio Winner and Bronze Radio Winner for Just Words at the prestigious New York Festivals International Radio Program Awards. Finalist certificates were received for Think: Digital Futures, Think: Health and Think: Sustainability.

Amongst nine total nominations, 2SER’s outgoing Managing Director Melanie Withnall wins the CBAA’s Station Leadership Award, and Richard Fleming wins Excellence in Technical Services.


A studio refit is completed at 2SER’s Broadway location, including the opening of a new podcast/panel-specific studio.