How Reform Of ‘Dad Leave’ Will Help Propel Women To Greater Gender Equality

The Grattan Institute has found that the average woman in her mid twenties who has a child, often more than one, will earn a staggering $2 million dollars less than her male counterpart who becomes a father over her lifetime. The research indicates that this income gap is a result of many women taking a significantly higher amount of time off their paid work to complete household work and parental responsibilities in comparison to their partners.
But there could be a solution, and it could come in the form of reform to the ‘dad leave’ that pales in comparison to maternity leave for new mothers.
Owain Emslie, a Senior Associate at the Grattan Institute joined us on The Daily to discuss the research findings in greater detail and unpack just how such reform could help close the gender inequalities between men and women.
For more details you can read an article Owain co-authored in The Conversation.