Indigenous Deaths In Custody To Be Reported In Real Time

The Attorney General, Mark Dreyfus, announced that Indigenous deaths in custody will now be reported on as they happen, as opposed to the quarterly reportings that have happened in the past. This change comes from one of the many suggestions from the Royal Commission into Indigenous Deaths in Custody, a report that is now over 30 years old.
Many have raised concerns that this move is not nearly enough to reduce deaths in custody, and have also highlighted that the government has failed to recognize many of the recommendations put forward by the Royal Commission.
Image: Image: Shutterstock – jimiconnor
Produced By: Jono Wakeley
Featured In Story: Senator Lidia Thorpe – Independent Senator, and Dr Hannah McGlade – Noongar Woman – Senior Indigenous fellow at Curtin University
First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 21 June 2023