IPCC Report Rings Alarm Bells for The Planet

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has released a report that the Secretary General of The UN, Antonio Guterres, describes as a “code red for humanity”. The report, released yesterday, is a detailed compilation of extensive climate-change research spanning the last 8 years. It details how profoundly humans have altered the climate and what the future could look like if harmful carbon emissions continue on their current trajectory. But the report also outlines a brighter future, where the political will to create a low-emissions future could halt runaway temperature increases and limit some of the damaging impacts.
Produced By: Rob Osborne
Featured In Story: Dr. Pep Canadell, Chief Research Scientist at CSIRO and co ordinating lead author of IPCC Report, and Steven Sherwood, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at UNSW
First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 10 August 2021